张晓泉教授(Prof. Michael Zhang)




张晓泉教授是香港中文大学商学院的伟伦商业人工智能讲席教授(Wei-Lun Endowed Chair Professor of Business AI)。 他同时是麻省理工学院数字经济研究所(MIT Initiative for Digital Economy)和德国欧洲经济研究中心(ZEW)的特邀研究员。
他从美国麻省理工学院(MIT)的斯隆管理学院(Sloan School of Management)获得管理学博士学位,此前在清华大学获得管理学硕士,工学学士和文学学士的学位。 他曾经从事过的工作有:投资银行分析师,证券公司顾问, 高科技公司的国际市场部经理。他拥有若干专利,并创立了知名的华人网络社区MITBBS(未名空间)和做量化私募资产管理的公司(超量子基金)。

张晓泉教授的研究主题围绕着商业和管理中信息的产生,传播和处理。他擅长的研究领域是人工智能以及信息在金融市场中的作用。他的学术论文被美国权威的学术期刊如 American Economic Review (美国经济评论),Management Science (管理科学 ), Marketing Science (市场营销科学),MIS Quarterly (信息管理系统季刊), Information Systems Research (信息系统研究), Journal of Marketing (市场营销), Journal of MIS (信息管理系统) 等接收。
  • Navigating the Factor Zoo: The Science of Quantitative Investing, Routledge, 2025. (ISBN 9781032768410)
  • 数字跃迁:数字化变革的战略和战术,华章出版社,2021. (ISBN: 9787111659600)
根据Google Scholar, 截止到2025-02-13, 他的论文被引用次数是 10815 次.
目前张晓泉教授是国际学术期刊 MIS Quarterly (信息管理系统季刊)的高级主编(Senior Editor)(此前是Information Systems Research的高级主编和Management Science(管理科学)的副主编(Associate Editor))。目前担任了在NASDAQ上市的寺库公司和香港联交所上市、富士康旗下的Maxnerva公司的独立董事。
他最喜欢的电影是The Shawshank RedemptionForrest Gump。 他最喜欢的卡通人物是Tin Tin(丁丁)。
他夫人Jade做了关于香港保险的最棒的中文信息网站 点击这里.






















  • 2017




  • 2013




  • 2006



    研究:信息技术在市场营销中的影响. 设计了技术创业,IT战略,电子商务,研究方法等课程。

  • 2019




  • 2001

    MITBBS (未名空间)



  • 1999





  • 2000



    毕业论文: Tapping into the Pulse of the Market – Essays on Marketing Implications of Information Flows

  • 1996



    毕业论文: An Empirical Study of National Innovation Systems.

  • 1992



  • 1992












Publications by Subject/Methodology/Journal/Topic

  1. Hongqiao Chen, Ying-ju Chen, Yang Li, Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, and Sean X. Zhou, "Digital Goods Reselling: Implications on Cannibalization and Price Discrimination"Production and Operations Management, forthcoming.
    [Click Here for the Working Paper Version]
  2. Lihong Zhang and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Mispricing and Algorithm Trading," Information Systems Research, forthcoming.
    [Click Here for the Working Paper Version]
  3. Jialu Liu, Siqi Pei, and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Indirect Value of Public Infrastructure Technology," Management Science, forthcoming.
    [Click Here for the Working Paper Version]
  4. Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, Dapeng Xu, Hong Hong, and Kalok Chan,"Investor Attention or Investor Sentiment: How Social Media React to ESG?"Information Systems Research, forthcoming.
    [Click Here for the Working Paper Version]
  5. Miaozhe Han, Hongchuan Shen, Jing Wu, Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, “Artificial Intelligence and Firm Resilience: Evidence from Firm Performance under Disaster Shocks,” Information Systems Research, forthcoming.
    [Click Here for the Working Paper Version]
  6. Tao Lu, Lihong Zhang, Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, Zhenling Zhao, "Beyond Risk: A Measure of Distribution Uncertainty"Information Systems Research, forthcoming.
    [Click Here for the Working Paper Version]
  7. Bingjie Qian, Tat-Koon Koh, and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Effect of Virtual Identity Disclosure on Users' Giving 'Likes' in Community-Based Platforms: A Natural Experiment." Information Systems Research, forthcoming.
    [Click Here for the Working Paper Version]
  8. Dapeng Xu, Hong Hong, Lingfei Deng, and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Crowdfunding Success Factors: A Meta-Analytic Investigation," Information Systems Research, forthcoming.
    [Click Here for the Working Paper Version]
  9. Dapeng Xu, Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, Hong Hong, and Qiang Ye, "Why Is the Grass Always Greener on the Other Side? Tourist Bias in Online Restaurant Ratings," Information Systems Research, forthcoming.
    [Click Here for the Working Paper Version]
  10. Yue Feng, Xianghua Lu, and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Mutual Disclosures and Content Intimacy in User Engagement: Evidence from an Online Chat Group," MIS Quarterly, 48(4), 2024, 1331-1362.
    [Click Here for the Working Paper Version]
  11. Hongchuan Shen, Ivy Dang, and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Mr. Right or Mr. Best: The Role of Information under Preference Mismatch in Online Dating," Information Systems Research, 35(4), 2024, 2013-2029.
    [Click Here for the Working Paper Version]
  12. Jialu Liu, Siqi Pei, Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Online Food Delivery Platforms and Female Labor Force Participation," Information Systems Research, 35(3), 2024, 1074-1091.
    [Click Here for the Working Paper Version]
  13. Tim Li and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Development Trajectory of Blockchain Platforms: the Role of Multi-Role," Information Systems Research, 35(3), 2023, 1296-1323.
    [Click Here for the Working Paper Version]
  14. Xiaoyang Li, Yang Shi, Maggie Hu, and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Numerological Heuristics and Credit Risk in P2P Lending," Information Systems Research, 34(4), 2023, 1744-1760.
    [Click Here for the Working Paper Version]
  15. Jiaqi Zhou, Qingpeng Zhang, Sijia Zhou, Xin Li, and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Unintended Emotional Effects of Online Health Communities: A Text Mining-Supported Empirical Study," MIS Quarterly, 47(1), 2023, 195-266.
    [Click Here for the Working Paper Version]
  16. Tao Lu, May Yuan, Chong (Alex) Wang, Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Histogram Distortion Bias in Consumer Choices," Management Science, 68(12), 2022, 8963-8978.
    [Click Here for the Working Paper Version]
  17. Keongtae Kim, Jooyoung Park, Yang Pan, Kunpeng Zhang, Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Risk Disclosure in Crowdfunding," Information Systems Research, 33(3), 2022, 1023-1041.
    [Click Here for the Working Paper Version]
  18. Erik Brynjolfsson, Chong (Alex) Wang, and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "The Economics of IT and Digitization: Eight Questions for Research," MIS Quarterly, 45(1), 2021, 473-477.
    [Click Here for the Working Paper Version]
  19. Terry Hendershott, Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, Leon Zhao, and Eric Zheng, "FinTech as a Game Changer: Overview of Research Frontiers," Information Systems Research, 32(1), 2021, 1-17.
    [Click Here for the Working Paper Version]
  20. Michael Kummer, Olga Slivkó, and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Unemployment and Digital Public Goods Contribution," Information Systems Research, 31(3), 2020, 801-819.
    [Click Here for the Working Paper Version]
  21. Monic Sun, Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, and Feng Zhu, "U-shaped Conformity in Online Social Networks," Marketing Science, 38(3), 2019, 461-480.
    [Click Here for the Working Paper Version]
  22. Juan Feng, Xin Li, and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Online Product Reviews-Triggered Dynamic Pricing: Theory and Evidence," Information Systems Research, 30(4), 2019, 1107-1123.
    [Click Here for the Working Paper Version]
  23. Chong (Alex) Wang, Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, and Il-Horn Hann, "Socially Nudged: A Quasi-Experimental Study of Friends' Social Influence in Online Product Ratings," Information Systems Research, 29(3), 2018, 641-655.
    [Click Here for the Working Paper Version]
  24. Xiaomeng Du, Meng Su, Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, and Xiaona Zheng, "Bidding for Multiple Keywords in Sponsored Search Advertising: Keyword Categories and Match Types," Information Systems Research, 28(4), 2017, 711-722.
    [Click Here for the Working Paper Version]
  25. Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang and Lihong Zhang, "How Does the Internet Affect the Financial Market? An Equilibrium Model of Internet Facilitated Feedback Trading," MIS Quarterly, 39, 1, 2015, 17-38.
    [Click Here for the Working Paper Version]
  26. Sean Xin Xu and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang "Impact of Wikipedia on Market Information Environment: Evidence on Management Disclosure and Investor Reaction," MIS Quarterly, 37, 4, 2013, 1043-1068.
    MIS Quarterly Paper of the Year Award.
    [Click Here for the Working Paper Version]
  27. Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang and Juan Feng, "Cyclical Bid Adjustments in Search-Engine Advertising," Management Science, 57, 9, 2011, 1703-1719.
    [Click Here for the Working Paper Version]
  28. Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang and Feng Zhu, "Group Size and Incentives to Contribute: A Natural Experiment at Chinese Wikipedia," American Economic Review, 101, 4, 2011, 1601-1615.
    [Click Here for the Working Paper Version]
  29. Feng Zhu and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Impact of Online Consumer Reviews on Sales: The Moderating Role of Product and Consumer Characteristics," Journal of Marketing, 74, 2, 2010, 133-148.
    [Click Here for the Working Paper Version]
  30. Edward Malthouse, Michael Haenlein, Bernd Skiera, Egbert Wege, and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Managing Customer Relationships in the Social Media Era: Introducing the Social CRM House," Journal of Interactive Marketing, 27(4), 2013, 270-280.
    [Click Here for the Working Paper Version]
  31. Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang and Chong (Alex) Wang "Network Positions and Contributions to Online Public Goods: The Case of Chinese Wikipedia," Journal of Management Information Systems, 29, 2, 2012, 11-40.
    [Click Here for the Working Paper Version]
  32. Chong (Alex) Wang and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Sampling of Information Goods," Decision Support Systems, 48, 1, December 2009, 14-22.
    [Click Here for the Working Paper Version]
  33. Chris Dellarocas, Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, and Neveen Awad, "Exploring the Value of Online Product Reviews in Forecasting Sales: The Case of Motion Pictures," Journal of Interactive Marketing, 21, 4, 2007, 2-20.
    Journal of Interactive Marketing 2008 Best Paper Award.
    [Click Here for the Working Paper Version]
  34. Erik Brynjolfsson and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Innovation Incentives for Information Goods," Innovation Policy and the Economy eds. Adam B. Jaffe, Josh Lerner and Scott Stern, vol. 7, 2007.


  1. Navigating the Factor Zoo: The Science of Quantitative Investing, Routledge, 2024. (ISBN 9781032768410)
  2. 《数字跃迁:数字化变革的战略和战术》(Digital Quantum Leap: Strategies and Tactics for Organizational Transformation), 2021. (ISBN: 9787111659600)
  3. 《數位躍升力:建立敏捷組織與商業創新的數位新戰略》, 2021. (ISBN: 9789571382289)

Work In Progress

  1. Dorothy Jiang, Weiguang Wang, Keran Zhao, and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "When Money Meets Mission: Rethinking Financial and Social Commitment Alignment in Impact Investing"
  2. Ran Pan, Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, Tao Lu, "Resolving Signaling Paradoxes in Performance-Based Advertising"
  3. Hao Ying, Tao Lu, and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Slicing the Attention Pie: Pricing the Effectiveness of Social Influencers"
  4. Peixin Liu, Lihong Zhang, Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Empowering Businesses with Foundation Models in Generative AI"
  5. Xinyu Li, Francis Costello, Keongtae Kim, and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Assessing Open Source Software Developer's Opportunity Costs in a Time of Generative AI"
  6. Ning Jia, Sean Xu, Zhitao Yin, and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Investor Misreaction to Secondhand Information on Social Media: Evidence from a Wikipedia Experiment"
  7. Ding Ma, Yingjie He, Yinghao Chu, Michael Saunders, and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Cognitive Biases in Large Language Models: lmplications for Survey-Based Research"
  8. Tongda Zhang, Ding Ma, Michael Saunders, Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Probing the Irrationality of AI: Experiments with ChatGPT"
  9. Ding Ma, Tongda Zhang, Michael Saunders, Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Innovating with Intelligence: Establishing An Institutional Protocol for AI-Driven Product Development"
  10. Ding Ma, Tongda Zhang, Michael Saunders, Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Transforming E-Commerce Analysis: An Inclusive Infrastructure and a Fast Search Algorithm"
  11. Daniel Blaseg, Ehsan Bolandifar, Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "The Paradox of Budget Transparency: Budget Disclosures and Performance in Crowdfunding Ventures"
  12. Sijia Ma, Chong (Alex) Wang, Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, Tao Lu, "Facade of Trust: The Impact of AI-Enhanced Profile Pictures in Online Interactions"
  13. Xingjin Chen, Yilin Li, Xiaoyu Xia, Sean Xin Xu, Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Nonlinear Impact of Structural Diversity on User Engagement in Social Networks: Evidence from a Large-scale Field Experiment"
  14. Tim Li, Zhoufei Tang, Tao Lu, and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Propose and Review: Interactive Bias Mitigation for Machine Classifiers"
  15. Miaozhe Han, Hongchuan Shen, Sihan Zhai, and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "An Empirical Study of Algorithm-Induced Online Information Misallocation"
  16. Siqi Pei, Yiying Zhang, Juan Feng, and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "How Much Personalized Information is Necessary? Re-examining Personalized Recommendations in Consumer Purchases"
  17. Luping Sun, Yuxin Chen, Xiaona Zheng, Meng Su, Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Short-Term Cannibalization and Long-Term Loyalty Effects of Recommender Systems: Evidence from a Field Experiment"
  18. Kawamata, Y., Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, Akiyama, E. "Impulsive Equilibrium in Search-Engine Advertising"
  19. Bingqian Cheng, Lihong Zhang, and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Uncertainty and Failure of Diversification"
  20. Hu, M., Han, X., and Zhang, X. "Intensified Online Opinion Clashes with Salient Group Identity"
  21. Chaoyue Gao, Hong Hong, Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, and Qiang Ye, "Seeking Alpha or Seeking Noise? Attention Bias in Online Investment Communities"
  22. Weifang Wu, Hong Xu, Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, and Rong Zheng, "Ignorance Is Bliss: The Role of Information in Keyword Auctions"
  23. Sun, S., Xu, K., and Zhang, X., "Do Monetary Incentives Crowd Out UGC Contributions? Evidence from YouTube"
  24. Huihui Chi, Selwyn Piramuthu, Wei Zhou, and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Self-Cannibalization of Durable Goods with Sharing: A Producer Perspective."
  25. Liu, A., Xu, X., Zhang, X., and Zhao, X., "Social Media and Financial Information Asymmetry: How Information Aggregation on Wikipedia Reduces Insider Trading Profitability."
  26. Yu Liu, Lihong Zhang, and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Statistical Inference under Ambiguity"
  27. Weiran Shen, Binghui Peng, Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, Hanpeng Liu, Ruohan Qian, Yan Hong, Zhi Guo, Zongyao Ding, Pengjun Lu and Pingzhong Tang, "Reinforcement Mechanism Design"
  28. Zihe Wang, Pingzhong Tang and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Optimal Commitments in Auctions with Incomplete Information"
  29. Lihong Zhang, Gene Lai, Baimin Yu and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, "Longevity Risk, Optimal Retirement, Consumption Choice, and Risky Investment Decision"
  30. Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, Henry Qian, Alex Wang and Monic Sun, "Perilous Randomized Experiments in Social Networks"
  31. Wu, W., Zhang, X., and Zheng, R., "An Empirical Study on the Monitoring Role of Wikipedia in the Financial Market."
  32. Wu, W., Shi, W., Zhang, X., and Zheng, R., "Firm Performance and Information Dissemination: Evidence from Twitter."
  33. Erik Brynjolfsson and Michael Zhang, "Producer Innovation Incentives and Revenue Distribution of Bundled Products"


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